Anniversary feast in Amersham

On the 15th August in 1998, at the young age of 22, I married my long suffering husband Paul Nichols. It was the opening day of the football season and Spurs lost to Wimbledon, so not the best of starts!! That said, 21-years later, we are still together. We don’t bother with anniversary cards anymore, […]

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Birthday celebrations in stunning Shrewsbury!

We have just got back from a fantastic weekend away in Shrewsbury of all places! To cut a long story short we have a group of family and friends who go skiing every year under the name the ‘Three legs ski team’. Two of our team, brother and sister, were celebrating their 50th and 60th […]

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This is me!

Hi everyone, I am Michelle and this is my lifestyle and food blog. Hopefully my blog title will give you a pretty good clue as to what you can expect from my blog, but basically I consider myself to be pretty lucky in life, I have my own business, fantastic family and friends and I […]

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