My motivation – george the pink hippo from rainbow!

Back in 2015, after years of yo-yo dieting and very little exercise, I launched a get fit for 40 campaign to hit a target weight of 8 stone 7lbs. My starting weight was 10 stone 11lbs, so it was no easy task. I got myself a personal trainer and continued to attend Weight Watchers, my […]

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Skiing in Lungua – Austria’s best kept secret!

About six years ago, with Paul approaching his mid 40s and me knocking on the door of the big 40 we decided to try skiing for the first time in our lives! My niece Laurie and her husband Jim had bought a chalet in the Lungau region of Austria in a beautiful place called St […]

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The posh Italian Job!

Now as my blog title suggests, I love food! But if you were to ask me what my favourite food is, I would have to say Italian. I absolutely love pasta and the fresh simple ingredients used to create amazing Italian cuisine. So the Michelin star Italian restaurant of celebrity Chef Angela Hartnett has been […]

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Close encounters of the Elephant kind!

On our second day at Vinkerklip Lodge we set off on a nice little walk to see the famous ‘finger rock’ up close, then headed back to our waterhole vantage point on the balcony for more Namibian animal watching. It has to be said that two days in a place where there isn’t much to […]

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From Swakopmund to paradise

We woke up in our Kulala to find the front door wide open! it had been pretty windy in the night, so much so that the locked door had blown wide open and we had slept on soundly without even realising it…luckily there are no man-eating predators here or it may not have ended so […]

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Day of the Jackal!

The alarm woke us up at 0615 before the sunrise, ready for our day of adventure. We headed to the restaurant for a quick breakfast before climbing aboard our first proper safari truck, just us and a family of four. Still nice and cool at that time of the day, the truck was fairly comfortable, […]

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Day 2 – Desert and desserts!

After our first night sleeping in Namibia and a delicious breakfast of pancakes, we set off in ‘The Beast’ for our first long drive of the holiday. We had a trusty Sat Nav and some excellent written directions courtesy of Wilderness Safaris, which included where to stop for fuel and refreshments. The directions said we […]

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Day 1 – Safari adventure begins!

In December last year my husband Paul turned 50, but I had started planning his surprise birthday present about 18-months earlier! He had always wanted to go on safari and we had talked about Namibia as a possible destination. So many months earlier I started my research before getting in touch with a fantastic tour […]

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The chilli pepper can’t be that hot!!!

When Paul and I moved to Towcester in 1998, the choice of restaurants in the town was limited to a Chinese, two Indian restaurants and a few pubs which did very basic food. For those of you not familiar with Towcester, it is a market town in South Northamptonshire, a few miles down the road […]

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Turned by Tapas!!

Call me uncultured but I have always struggled to understand the point of Tapas. I am a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to eating out I like to be presented with a structured ‘starter’ ‘main’ and ‘dessert’ option. So the idea of ordering loads of little dishes of stuff in some kind of […]

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