My motivation – george the pink hippo from rainbow!

Back in 2015, after years of yo-yo dieting and very little exercise, I launched a get fit for 40 campaign to hit a target weight of 8 stone 7lbs. My starting weight was 10 stone 11lbs, so it was no easy task. I got myself a personal trainer and continued to attend Weight Watchers, my […]

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Anniversary feast in Amersham

On the 15th August in 1998, at the young age of 22, I married my long suffering husband Paul Nichols. It was the opening day of the football season and Spurs lost to Wimbledon, so not the best of starts!! That said, 21-years later, we are still together. We don’t bother with anniversary cards anymore, […]

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This is me!

Hi everyone, I am Michelle and this is my lifestyle and food blog. Hopefully my blog title will give you a pretty good clue as to what you can expect from my blog, but basically I consider myself to be pretty lucky in life, I have my own business, fantastic family and friends and I […]

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