This is me!

Hi everyone, I am Michelle and this is my lifestyle and food blog.

Hopefully my blog title will give you a pretty good clue as to what you can expect from my blog, but basically I consider myself to be pretty lucky in life, I have my own business, fantastic family and friends and I get to visit great places and eat great food…most of the time!!

I love to eat out, bake at home, walk with my two dogs, listen to rock music, watch my beloved Tottenham Hotspur and generally live life to the full.

I am married to Paul and we have two Sprokers, Spike and Griff, who you will meet in many of my blogs. Spike is the chocolate one and Griff is the liver and white one. Spike is the quiet sweet affectionate dog, Griff is the not so quiet mischievous one!!

My family and friends are a huge part of my life, so you will meet them all at some point during my blog posts. I have a slightly unconventional family in that my youngest brother is 19 years older than me, I was apparently a bit of mistake, or as the dates suggest a birthday present for my Dad!!

Unfortunately our parents are no longer with us, but I have two brothers John and Colin, and a sister Gill who lives with us. Paul has two sisters Lisa and Donna.

Back row: brother John, brother Colin, husband Paul
Front row: sister-in-law Kath, me, sister-in-law Carol, sister Gill.

The supporting cast will include nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, cousins and our closest friends. There are a lot of us and we are a close family who spend a lot of time together.

I decided to start blogging after meeting lots of other great bloggers through my PR and Comms business, so I thought why am I not doing this? Travel is part of my job and my life, I love my food…maybe too much hence the constant diets and gym sessions, and I am always taking photos of food and people when out and about so it seemed like a good idea to start sharing some of my adventures with others.

I will always give honest fair reviews and hopefully add a bit of humour along the way. I hope you enjoy it!

If you would like to work with me please email

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